Sexy Taylor modeling for Northwest Beauties

Sandlmodels have a unique talent for finding sexy girls, many who can be seen on the wonderful Northwest Beauties website, and this time the beautiful girl in question is Taylor. Taylor has an amazing slim figure and loves to flaunt it in this fabulous 60 minute video. This is Taylor’s second video for Sandlmodels due to popular demand and we can certainly see why she’s so highly sought after. In a top performance, Taylor dresses in lots of sexy lingerie and poses in many different positions. She is definitely not a shy girl and loves to show off one of the most petite bottoms we ever seen! Taylor’s video finishes with her in the shower and bathtub which were a little bit too raunchy to show on these pages so if you want to see her in all her glory then Northwest Beauties is the place to go. To download this seductive 60 minutes of Taylor then click on any of these video stills below and head onto the Northwest Beauties site. Be sure to check out the other babes they have on there. The choices are endless!

Sexy Taylor giving numerous poses for Northwest BeautiesPetite Taylor in sexy pink lingerieTaylor posing in various positions for NorthwestBeauties

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