Nikki Leigh pulls her panties down for her Playboy casting call

Supercute Californian girl Nikki Leigh has posed for a Playboy casting call which involved pulling down her panties.  The intelligent blonde coed who has a Bachelor’s degree in sociology having graduated from Cal State Fullerton has traveled the world; she’s been to Tokyo and Beijing, and she spent a semester abroad in Italy.  On preferences she says “I like guys who are kind and respectful of others”, so that gives you a good tip of how to get into her good books.  In her time off she enjoys spending time with her friends.  “Some girls will say that they can out-drink you, but I’ll out-eat you,” she says, laughing. “Steaks, sushi, pasta, cheesecake…you name it, I’ll eat it.”  Today she’s in with Playboy to pose for a casting call, she’s wearing a crop-top and some very cute panties.  Nikki actually didn’t realize she was going to be asked to remove her panties, so there was a bit of an ENF moment when she was first asked to and also after she’d pulled them down to reveal all, she smiled and laughed after her panties were down on the floor, clear ENF.  We’ve taken some screenshots from her video which we’ve posted below to show you her pulling down panties ENF moment.  If you’d like to see her full uncensored photoshoot (photos and video) just click on any of the images of Nikki below and you’ll be taken to the official website, where it’s only $1 to gain full access.   
California girl Nikki Leigh Blonde girl at a Playboy casting call Nikki strips for a Playboy casting Cute panties She's just been asked to pull her panties down Panties about to go down Slowly but surely Shaven haven is about to be on show Pulling her panties down Panties around ankles Pulling panties down at a Playboy casting call ENF after pulling down her panties

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