Avery Ray, Midnight Lake Love Zipset – open towel naked flash

Sometimes late at night Avery Ray heads out to the docks for a midnight swim, if no one is around she’ll remove her bikini and go swimming completely naked.  Tonight she’s allowed a photographer to come down with her to capture the tantalizing show, she must be feeling confident and a quite naughty too.  First Avery starts dancing around a pole in her skimpy red bikini, it’s not long until removes her bikini top and starts teasing us in a handbra, next she removes her bikini bottoms and wraps herself in a towel.  She knows it is driving us crazy to think of her naked inside that towel, so Avery decides it’s only fair to give us exactly what we want as she opens up her towel and gives a full flash, revealing all, then quickly covers up again.  It’s a real treat in the uncensored zipset when you get to see everything, at the end Avery Ray goes running off to a cabin, the camera follows her as we always want more of this gorgeous red head, we are never satisfied.  In the zipset there are 79 high resolution (3000 x 2000 pixels) photographs, all completely uncensored, it’s 175 MB so won’t take long to download.  The great thing about downloading it is that if Miss Ray ever has second thoughts about this and asks for the pics to be removed from the Internet, you’ll forever be able to enjoy her naked images from your PC/laptop, so it’s well worth taking advantage as many of these girls do eventually change their minds when they reach another stage of their lives.  Also do remember that if you pay to download the originals from the official website you’ll be encouraging her to come back and give us more, even more daring and revealing than she’s done before.
Avery Ray Midnight Lake Love Zipset

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